Minimalist line art of two hands holding a plant, with a brown gradient background.


I also run my movement community,
Lightly Sessions for

  • Yin Yoga

  • Dance and,

  • Artistic enquiries.


About my Teaching style

I enjoy working with people from different walks of life, across different age groups and with different motivations.

I take slow spine movement sessions and improvisation based sessions for explorers who are interested in trying out something energising, pleasing and meditative.

Join my ongoing sessions or customise your own personal, group or family ones.

My sessions include improvisation, technique, play, slowness, anatomy, dance, yin yoga, awareness and felt work.

This means:
• Inclusivity
• Body Awareness
• Healthy Relationship with Self





I am curious to understand the relationship between my body, my breath and my inner conscience. I want to be able to melt or rapidly solidify and stand strong like an aged pillar but powerful like a sudden storm. I want to send quiet and perseverant attention to my body with love, respect and concern. I want to ask every part of my body and every one around me
“Are you fine?” and whatever their answer may be, I want to be able to read through those words and understand the inner conscience of a person.

I want to be in a world of silent voices feeling, giving, and opening up with vulnerability. We live in times full of desperation and insecurity, full of longing and a sort of dishevelment of not knowing where to go, who to belong to and who we want to be.

We have muffled and muted half conversations with our own selves which are drowned out by the clutter of information around us. I hope to explore a form of movement meditation that helps us quiet down and listen to ourselves and the world around us.

There is much it is trying to say, only if we listen.