If only,
we could touch each other more,
we could have,
more connection,
more love,
more responsibility,
more dignity
and fewer wars.
Shall we try that please?
Touch is a two part interactive series: a performance and a stop motion film installation.
What is the difference between my body and your body?
Where is the line between sensuality and sexuality?
It encourages the simple sensation of touch as a way to bridge the gap between
two people, two communities and even two nations.
This interactive performance and film installation creates the feeling of vulnerability in an intimate space.
This vulnerability blurs the line between the performer and the spectator and allows them to share power.
What happens when the ‘powerful’ passes on the power to the ‘other side’?
What happens when closed intimate spaces require people to touch?
What happens when time s l o w s down?
Touch - 1 and 2
live performance and film installation room

Photography I Elizabeth Kwant
Venue I Niv Art Gallery, New Delhi
with Art for Change Foundation for the International Artist’s Residency, 2020.
Performed in New Delhi, India
Please get in touch for a copy of the stop motion film at
Selected for Alpavirama Film Festival Online 2020
Showcased at a digital online exhibition by Unitarian Universalist Church of Indianapolis, USA
Selected for V IMARP - Mostra Internacional de Dança - Imagens em Movimento 2020